Wednesday, April 23, 2008

:) Employee of the Month

Eric Andersen is Pitchfever's Employee of the month.  He has found a way to keep us from running out of paper towels in the bathroom.  His idea was to drive to the store once in a while and buy some new supply's 'before' the old ones run out.  With this groundbreaking way of thinking, Pitchfever is sure to blast it's way ahead of the competition.  He even brought up a cure for excessively loud guitar playing..... turn down the amp.  His slogan is "if it's too loud, turn it down."  I have to admit, Eric has saved my life in a few situations.  One time I was getting shocked every time I touched the microphone.  I yelled, "I KEEP GETTING SHOCKED EVERYTIME I TOUCH THIS THING." Eric promptly replied in his zen manner, 'then stop touching it.'

1 comment:

Eric said...

HA HA HA mike

good one mike

see you on the flip side rafiel


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