Sunday, April 13, 2008

Got On Talk Radio Today!

It was the Matt McNeil show on am1500.  He was doing a bit about his son wanting to take dance lessons.  He asked the public if a parent should curb what their kids get into so that they won't be teased in high school.  I was pretty nervous to call in but at the same time I was very passionate about the topic.  I called and got through right away.  I told him that you should never try to stop a passion in life just to avoid being ridiculed.  Some of the greatest things ever created were first laughed at and then accepted.  What if all the artists in the world decided not to follow their dreams because some football player thinks it's lame.  I also told him that kids should not make decisions based on what the 'popular' crowd thinks because popularity is just an illusion and once you're out of school, the tables are turned.  He totally agreed with that.  I started out on violin.  I didn't care what anyone said.  I liked it.  Then I found guitar.  But if guitar hadn't come along, you'd better believe I'd be the best violinist I could be regardless of what the hockey team said. :)

1 comment:

Whitney said...

well said Mike. Today I saw a girl from High School who had probably never looked twice at me and we talked about what we were up to and it was an awesome experience to know that the individuality and whatnot in high school that was "weird" now sets me apart as something different. Idk if that makes sense. I'm glad you stood up and said it, someone needs to and I'm sure you've influenced at least one parent!